Tag Archives: cigarette


I survived my second day smoke free at work today.  I am not going to lie it is hard.  From my work I can see a gas station that sells many packs of cigarettes but I am keeping strong.


I am rocking this quit thing so far.  It is still difficult when I am stuck working inventory and there is nothing to do but count parts and wish for a smoke.

I just look bored out of my mind here lol.  After work was more of the same thing where the family works hard at being a good distraction.  Today they bought Frozen 2 and watched it with me like some good kids and boyfriend lol.

I even mad progress on my homework and actually have very little to do this weekend so I am trying to decide if the kids and I should do the zoo or the science museum.


I can tell you that since I quit I have been sleeping like crap and as a result have had no energy and a killer headache the last two days.  In a way I am wishing it was the weekend but, if it was I would be busting ass trying to get all my homework done so I can enjoy some family time.

So far I am doing well with my January and February goals but, March is in less than a week and I am so not ready to add a third thing to my list.  So, I have decided to go back to the dental thing and I made my last appointment for fillings in March so I can cross teeth off of my list all together.

So far for dental in the last year I have gotten 2 root canals, 2 crowns, 3 fillings, and 2 deep cleaning appointments (they numbed me up so they could clean my teeth that were that bad).  I still need 3 fillings and then I can get back to a regular every 3 month cleaning schedule.

For April I am thinking about making an appointment with my shrink and getting back on meds for depression and ADHD.

May is graduation and my goal is to finish my degree and participate in the graduation ceremony.

June will be get back to running hopefully.

But, for right now I am just trying to brush my teeth every day and not smoking.  So far so good.

Do you have any ideas for me to use for monthly goals?

See ya soon,


Work day 1

I survived my first day back at work without a cigarette today. I wore a shirt that said what kind of a mood I was in.

Unfortunately my first day not at home also included having class at school.

Statistics class os not my cup of tea and I like it even less when I don’t have a cigarette to look forward to as my reward for surviving class.

On the up side I have made it over over 3 days and I know I can make it to 4 days.

I got this shit


I got this

I have made it 2 days and 10 hours without a cigarette.


I feel like I am making progress but I know that the hardest part is yet to come.  I go back to work and school tomorrow.  I have never worked this job without having a smoke on my breaks.  I have never gone to class without having a smoke in my car before it starts.

I did find a few smoke free things to do today like see Playmobil at the Marcus theater.

I also managed to get all of my homework done for the week in one of my classes done already.  I figure that I should be ahead of the game all week now that I am not wasting all of my breaks outside puffing away.

I am nervous about my success tomorrow but, I believe in myself and I have faith that this will be my last quit.

Wish me luck because I know I am going to need it.
